Forging social safety nets for Africa

Social safety nets are often seen as luxuries for rich countries. However, as we Kenyans say “2020 has shown us things”. Across Africa, the coronavirus has seen governments across the continent implement a raft of measures to cushion their citizens against the socio-economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. For instance, Togo rolled out an expanded digital cash transfer program called Novissi and South Africa has expanded its existing welfare and unemployment benefits system. And these are not isolated policies. Having shown that social safety nets are possible. The question shifts, from can Africa have social safety nets, to what should longerterm African social safety nets, that alleviate poverty and confer dignity look like. 

The need for a social safety net  

 The world of work and employment is changing. Formal employment is less common, and most Africans do not earn a living in formal jobs with regular paychecks. The informal jobs and agricultural work that provides the bulk of jobs on the continent often provide uncertain incomes. Compounding this is the fact that African socialism (also known as the black tax) is becoming harder. Incomes are more and more stressed, and it is becoming harder for individuals to extend support to the family, and the community that has in the past functioned as an unofficial safety for many.  

What is needed is an expansion of the African community spirit of Ubuntu to the core of our formal social contract, with the state through well designed social safety nets, and we can do this by designing and implementing sustainable safety nets.   

Defining a social safety net  

 The start of designing a safety net is defining its purpose. Which should be, in my mind, at its core about putting in place a floor beneath which society says its members cannot fall. It is not intended to replace work, or even disposable income, but rather to ensure that people do not fall into deprivation and desperation.  

The second critical issue is simplicity, which covers two key issues.  

1 – Simplicity of targeting. That the people for whom the safety net is intended are clearly defined, e.g. households that earn less than a clearly defined threshold, or even all adults over the age of 18.  

2 Simplicity of access. A social safety net does not function if the people it is meant for cannot access it. Thus, unlike countries like the USA or UK, we cannot develop notions of the deserving or undeserving poor, which lock millions out of critical support. Thus, the means of accessing these support systems must be easy to understand, easy to find and easy to navigate.  

The third critical issue is the sustainability of funding. This means identifying and defining a long-term funding mechanism. Not a donor or simple year on year budget allocation that is subject to political changes every year. But a dedicated mechanism like a specific tax, or a percentage of royalties from natural resource extraction, will ensure significant funding over the long term. In addition, a broad, sustained funding mechanism fosters a broad feeling of everyone having skin in the game and creates broad social and political support for a safety that will ensure its long-term acceptability and stability.  

Forging the net  

So, with those critical elements in mind, what does an African social safety net look like. Each country would undoubtedly choose its own unique combinations, there are options on the table that are doable and can be made distinctly African. Not copying western systems but shaping them to our needs. Such as a universal health care system based on the provision of quality primary healthcare, that cushions people from the often crippling costs of healthcare and vastly improves the quality of life. Or a basic minimum income that lifts people out of poverty and gives them a basic level of peace and dignity. Or even community/locally based support systems that are run and funded by communities and directed to the things and people that they consider most pressing with central governments providing additional funding.  

Social safety nets are not a panacea for the socio-economic problems that the continent faces. However, they can be an important piece of the suite of solutions that drive our development. But beyond that social safety nets can reshape the relationship between African citizens and their governments. Moving away from the colonial relationship that, persists in far too many countries of the ruler who sometimes hands out goodies to the ruled masses. To one based on the government genuinely looking out for its people, recognizing their dignity, and placing it at the core of our development 

Also published on Medium.