Warehousing African development

Amazon has built a trillion dollar business around them, farmers around the world rely on them, modern healthcare would be crippled without them, the manufacturing industry needs them to smooth out production and demand cycles and global trade needs them to work. They aren’t glamorous like railways and airports, nor are they as fulfilling for donors who prefer to build schools or fund feeding programs, but warehousing is critical to modern societies and economies and they will be crucial for the development of African economies.

Warehouses won’t make living conditions or livelihoods better by themselves, but they are a crucial enabler for things that will. What’s needed from African governments isn’t money or infrastructure, but rather the right set of policies that will enable businesses and individuals to build, and use warehouse facilities as they see fit, to the benefit of their businesses, communities, and the wider economy.

More than storage

Most people do not spend much time thinking about warehouses let alone their transformative power. To most of us, warehouses are just storage, inert spaces where goods and commodities are kept either in transit or until they are needed. I thought the same until I learned the role that certified warehouses (warehouses certified by the government or other trusted actor) and storage play in making the world that we live in. Which got me thinking about the role that certified warehouses could play in Africa’s development on several fronts.


The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN estimates that sub-Saharan Africa loses about 20 % of its cereals, 40%-50% of its tubers, fruits and vegetables, 27% of its oilseeds, meat, and milk, and 33% of its fish, to post-harvest losses. This is millions of dollars of lost income for African farmers and it is enough food to feed at least 48 million people, equivalent to the population of Angola, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Namibia, and Malawi all together.[1] A significant contributor to this phenomenon is the lack of adequate and suitable storage for agricultural goods. This forces African farmers to sell whatever produce they can at whatever rates they can get (the much hated farmgate price) or simply to let their produce go to waste if they can’t find a buyer.

Available (within reasonable distance), affordable (reasonably priced) and suitable (the facilities can store perishables goods appropriately), could cut post-harvest losses dramatically, simply by giving farmers somewhere to store their produce. Thus at the most basic level, proper storage ensures adequate food supply and food security. In addition, it could significantly improve farmer incomes as they will be able to store produce and search for the best prices rather than be forced to take whatever is given to them.

However, certified storage can do a lot more than simply bolster food supplies, farm incomes and cut losses. Certified storage can open the door to farmers gaining access to credit, having produce in a certified warehouse is an asset that farmers can use collateral for credit. Smallholder farmers produce almost 70% of food consumed on the continent, an improvement in their productivity would impact on poverty and living standards throughout Africa (something I cover in more detail here).  Providing smallholder farmers with access to credit is essential to unlocking long-term, sustainable gains in African agriculture. Without credit, farmers cannot afford inputs such as quality seed and fertilizer, they cannot purchase or rent tools that increase efficiency and reduce labour costs, they cannot afford training and support services. Certified storage can be the key to unlocking agricultural credit, as financial institutions will have collateral which they can sell if the farmer defaults, and farmers will not be rendered destitute as their primary asset, their land, will not be taken away as collateral. Furthermore, it could allow farmers access to financial instruments that farmers in the west have long had access to such as hedging (locking in a price for the next harvest) and providing themselves with some security.

The third thing certified warehouses can do for African agriculture is enable commodity exchanges, depositing agricultural produce in certified warehouses will allow that produce to be listed on commodity exchanges and traded, enabling farmers to sell their produce to buyers anywhere in their country, region, or even continent, and allowing consumers (through large purchases like millers and supermarkets) a larger selection of producers to buy from and thus a better chance of getting better prices.


Trade (both domestic and international) relies on finance, specifically trade finance. Formally its where banks and financial institutions provide credit, hedges, guarantees, and increasingly complex structured products to companies and people buying and selling goods across borders. On the informal scale, it’s the trader who borrows a bit of money (usually on a mobile lending platform) which he uses to buy produce or some other goods, which they then take to market and sell at a profit, paying back the loan with interest and keeping their profit margin. Fundamentally, both formal and informal, trade finance relies on trust. A key issue that hampers trade finance and thus trade across the continent is the lack of trust within the African trade ecosystem.

For instance, financial institutions (both big banks and mobile lenders) do not trust warehousing facilities and are thus unwilling to lend with those goods as security. Thus, financial institutions add a significant risk premium (high interest) to their financing which traders are unable to pay, or the few facilities that are trusted can charge exorbitant rates thus raising the cost of trade. Certified warehouses which issue verified receipts of the goods deposited in their warehouse could fill this gap and get rid of this hurdle to trade on the African continent because in the rest of the world this is precisely what certified warehouses do. Like in agriculture, having a place where you can store your goods verified by a trusted actor will kickstart trade by enabling their crucial lubricant, credit.


Markets and economics aren’t the only benefactors of proper warehouses. Pharmaceuticals are volatile things, they are carefully engineered chemical substances which need to be kept at stable temperatures and conditions. They need what’s called a cold chain, which is a series of refrigerated production, storage, and distribution facilities and capabilities. Refrigerated storage is a key link in that chain, as it would allow government and health systems to store medicines, smoothing out distribution chains, making public health campaigns (like vaccination drives) easier and allow health authorities to plan for contingencies, for instance, stocking vital medicines for a possible Ebola breakout. Storage isn’t just about commerce it’s a key enabler for health systems as well.

Warehousing policy

If storage is a key enabler in a number of developmentally key areas the question becomes what’s needed. The first thing that comes to my mind is to stay away from the solution that so many governments on the continent have tried, government-owned and operated storage facilities. Particularly in Africa they have become magnets for corruption and are often neglected to the point that it’s not worth storing anything in them.

The bare minimum that is needed from government is a legally enforceable framework that does two key things. First, it must put in place a trusted regulator who is able to certify warehouses. To be trusted it cannot simply be another government entity it must incorporate stakeholders from the private sector like the stock exchange, trusted multilateral institutions like the AfDB or TDB, independent bodies like central banks and industry associations to ensure that when it does issue a certificate everyone from farmers to banks will trust them. This regulator must have legally enforceable repercussions for those who violate standards and regulations set by the regulatory authority. Trust is not just about having someone in charge whom you have confidence in, it’s the certainty that when the rules are violated, for instance, someone’s goods are stored improperly, that those responsible are in fact held responsible, in this instance all affected parties are compensated.

Second, is that governments must get out of the way and encourage innovation, particularly in agriculture. Where to this day, far too many African governments maintain outdated systems of produce boards whom farmers are compelled to sell to, and control prices and maintain substandard storage facilities.

Third, is to ensure that small farmers are accounted for in any warehousing policy, e.g having a requirement that warehouses devote a certain percentage of their storage space to small farmers, or cater for small farmers at a discounted price (e.g tax-free storage for small farmers)

In an ideal world, African government would go beyond putting in place a trusted regulator and getting out of the way of farmers, they would actively encourage the building the storage facilities. This could take a number of forms that again do not require significant taxpayer investment such as:

  • Making land available to warehouse developers in agricultural areas to ensure that farmers have access to storage facilities.
  • Allow goods in transit held in certified warehouses to be held tax free, to help the free movement of goods, development of commodities markets and encourage trade.
  • Set standards for databases and goods tracking so that all stakeholders will be able to track goods through the certified storage system, thus bringing more trust into the system.
  • Make available guarantees or funding to groups of smallholder farmers enabling them to build their own suitable storage facilities and engage in the market without fear of being taken advantage of.
  • Give tax incentives to developers willing to invest in cold-chain suitable storage facilities that could benefit the health system.
  • Take a holistic view of warehousing aligning it with other development efforts, such as ensuring that rural roads lead to warehouse sites, that electricity, mobile networks, and data cables reach warehouse sites


It may seem odd to focus on something as mundane as warehouses and storage. Unlike other development policies like universal healthcare, infrastructure or police it is not grand and flashy. However, not all of development policy is grand and flashy, often times to make the big things like agricultural reform, universal healthcare or intra-African trade possible, it requires investment in the mundane things, like a policy and regulatory framework for certified warehouses. Proper and certified storage is an enabler for a number of key developmental goals, my hope is that policymakers are aware of this, that if they want the new railways and roads, they are rushing to build across the continent to work and spur a new era of growth and trade they will require humble storage facilities, certifiably trusted and available to all.

[1] http://www.fao.org/africa/news/detail-news/en/c/445333/

Also published on Medium.